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Ch Lanessan Haut Medoc 2019 750ML

Product price



Ch Lanessan Haut Medoc 2019 750ML is a delightful wine from the renowned Haut Medoc region in France. This wine offers a complex flavor profile with notes of dark fruits, spices, and a hint of oak, creating a rich and elegant taste experience.

This wine pairs beautifully with grilled meats, aged cheeses, and hearty pasta dishes. Its bold flavors and robust structure make it the perfect complement to a variety of savory dishes.

Product Details

VarietalCabernet Sauvignon
Size750 ml
  • Ch Larose Trintaudon 750ML

    Ch Larose Trintaudon 750ML

    Ch Larose Trintaudon 2019 750ML is a high-quality wine from the Bordeaux region of France. This red wine offers a complex flavor profile with notes of dark fruit, oak, and a hint of spice, making it a perfect choice for wine enthusiasts looking for a well-balanced and full-bodied option.

    This wine pairs excellently with a variety of dishes, including grilled meats, charcuterie, and aged cheeses. It also complements hearty pasta dishes and stews, making it a versatile option for pairing with a range of meals.


  • Le Haut Medoc de Trintaudon 2019 750ML

    Le Haut Medoc de Trintaudon 2019 750ML

    Le Haut Medoc de Trintaudon 2019 750ML is a red wine from the renowned Haut-Medoc region in Bordeaux, France. This exquisite wine offers a bold and structured flavor profile, with notes of dark fruits, earthy undertones, and a hint of spice.

    This wine pairs exceptionally well with hearty dishes such as grilled steak, lamb stew, and aged cheeses. The robust flavors of the wine complement the rich flavors of these dishes, creating a truly memorable dining experience.
