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G & W Private Stock 5yr Bourbon 750ML

Product price



G & W Private Stock 5yr Bourbon 750ML is a premium spirit known for its rich flavor profile with notes of caramel, oak, and vanilla. This bourbon is aged for 5 years, ensuring a smooth and complex taste. It hails from a renowned distillery in the heart of Kentucky, known for producing high-quality spirits.

To fully enjoy the G & W Private Stock 5yr Bourbon, savor it neat in a classic rocks glass or use it as the base for an old fashioned cocktail. Pair it with a splash of water or a single ice cube to enhance the flavors and aromas. This bourbon is perfect for special occasions or as a thoughtful gift for any whiskey enthusiast.

Product Details

TypeWhiskey - American
Size750 ml
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    Fireball Dragon Reserve 750ML is a premium spirit known for its intense cinnamon flavor with hints of fire. This unique blend is crafted in the fiery regions of North America, delivering a smooth and bold taste that is sure to captivate the senses.

    Enjoy Fireball Dragon Reserve 750ML neat as a sipping spirit or mix it with your favorite cocktails for an added kick. Whether you're savoring it on the rocks or spicing up your favorite drink recipes, this spirit is perfect for any occasion.


  • High West Cask Collection 750ML

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    The High West Cask Collection 750ML is a premium spirits offering made from carefully selected ingredients. This unique blend boasts a rich and complex flavor profile, with hints of oak and caramel. Crafted in the renowned High West Distillery, located in the heart of Utah, this spirit is sure to delight the most discerning palates.

    To fully enjoy the High West Cask Collection, we recommend serving it neat or on the rocks in a chilled glass. This spirit also makes an excellent addition to classic cocktails like Old Fashioneds or Manhattans. Savor the smooth and balanced taste of this exceptional blend with each sip.


  • Wirths Manhattans 750ML

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    Wirths Manhattans 750ML is a premium cocktail mixer known for its smooth, sophisticated flavor profile. Crafted in the heart of Manhattan, this mixer combines high-quality ingredients to create a bold and classic taste that is perfect for any cocktail enthusiast.

    To enjoy Wirths Manhattans 750ML to its fullest potential, simply mix with your favorite whiskey and vermouth for a classic Manhattan cocktail. Serve over ice and garnish with a cherry for the perfect finishing touch. This mixer is also versatile and can be used in a variety of cocktails to elevate your at-home bartending experience.


  • FiftyFifty Eclipse Eagle Rare EACH

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    The FiftyFifty Eclipse Eagle Rare EACH is a premium spirit from an undisclosed region, known for its rich and complex flavor profile. This spirit offers notes of oak, caramel, and vanilla, creating a smooth and bold taste that is sure to please any connoisseur.

    To fully appreciate the flavor profile of the FiftyFifty Eclipse Eagle Rare EACH, it is recommended to enjoy it neat in a snifter glass at room temperature. Alternatively, this spirit can be used as a key ingredient in craft cocktails to enhance the overall drinking experience.


  • Artenom Seleccion De 1146 Anejo 750ML

    Artenom Seleccion De 1146 Anejo 750ML

    Artenom Seleccion De 1146 Anejo is a premium 750ML spirit from Mexico, known for its rich and complex flavor profile. This anejo tequila boasts notes of caramel, vanilla, and oak, offering a smooth and velvety finish. Crafted in the highlands of Jalisco, this spirit is aged for an impressive amount of time to develop a truly exceptional taste.

    For the best experience, savor Artenom Seleccion De 1146 Anejo neat in a snifter glass to fully appreciate its depth of flavors. It also makes a delicious base for cocktails like margaritas or old fashioneds, adding a luxurious touch to your favorite drinks. Enjoy the taste of Mexico with this premium anejo tequila.



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    Red Saw Rye Whiskey 750ML is a smooth and bold spirit originating from the United States. With a distinct rye flavor profile, this whiskey offers notes of spice and warmth, perfect for those who appreciate a robust tasting experience.

    To fully enjoy Red Saw Rye Whiskey, serve it neat in a chilled glass or use it as a base for classic cocktails like a Manhattan or Old Fashioned. Experiment with different mixers and garnishes to find the perfect combination that suits your taste preferences.


  • Kinsey 10 Year American Whiskey 10 Year 750ML

    Kinsey 10 Year American Whiskey 10 Year 750ML

    Kinsey 10 Year American Whiskey 10 Year 750ML is a premium spirit with a rich, full-bodied flavor profile. This whiskey hails from the United States and offers notes of oak, caramel, and spice, making it perfect for sipping neat or on the rocks.

    For optimal enjoyment, we recommend serving Kinsey 10 Year American Whiskey in a classic rocks glass with a large ice cube to enhance the flavor. This versatile spirit can also be used in cocktails such as Old Fashioneds or Whiskey Sours for a delicious twist on traditional recipes.



  • Kinsey Zinfandel Cask Whiskey 750ML

    Kinsey Zinfandel Cask Whiskey 750ML

    Kinsey Zinfandel Cask Whiskey 750ML is a unique spirit that combines the rich flavors of Zinfandel wine with the smoothness of aged whiskey. Distilled in the United States, this whiskey offers a rich and complex flavor profile with notes of dark fruits, oak, and a hint of spice, making it a must-try for whiskey enthusiasts looking for something different.

    To fully enjoy Kinsey Zinfandel Cask Whiskey, we recommend sipping it neat at room temperature to fully experience the intricate flavor profile. For a refreshing twist, try mixing it with a splash of soda water and a twist of lemon for a delicious cocktail option. However you choose to enjoy it, Kinsey Zinfandel Cask Whiskey is sure to impress with its bold and unique taste.


  • Michters Sour Mash Whiskey US-1 750ML

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    Michters Sour Mash Whiskey US-1 750ML is a high-quality spirit from the United States. It boasts a rich flavor profile with notes of caramel, vanilla, and oak, making it a smooth and well-balanced whiskey.

    This versatile whiskey can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or in classic cocktails like Old Fashioned or Whiskey Sour. It is perfect for sipping after dinner or for creating delicious drinks for gatherings with friends and family.


  • Basil Hayden Toasted Bourbon 750ML

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    Basil Hayden Toasted Bourbon 750ML is a premium spirit with a smooth and rich flavor profile. This bourbon, originating from the United States, offers a unique blend of warm baking spices, charred oak, and caramel notes that are sure to delight the palate.

    To fully enjoy Basil Hayden Toasted Bourbon, we recommend sipping it neat or on the rocks to allow its complex flavors to shine. It also pairs well with desserts or as a base for classic cocktails like Old Fashioned or Manhattan.
