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Ravanal Grand Reserve Cabernet 750ML

Product price



Ravanal Grand Reserve Cabernet 750ML is a rich and bold wine with flavors of black cherry, cassis, and hints of cedar. This Cabernet is sourced from the finest vineyards in the region of Maipo Valley in Chile, known for producing exceptional quality red wines.

Pair this exquisite wine with grilled steak, lamb chops, hearty pasta dishes, or aged cheeses for a delightful dining experience. The robust flavors and tannins of this Cabernet will complement a wide range of savory dishes.

Product Details

RegionCentral Valley
SubregionCentral Valley
VarietalCabernet Sauvignon
Size750 ml
  • Substance Cabernet 750ML

    Substance Cabernet 750ML

    Substance Cabernet 2021 750ML is a bold and full-bodied red wine from the region of Washington State, known for its rich and robust flavors. This wine offers notes of dark fruits, cassis, and subtle hints of oak, making it perfect for those who enjoy a complex and flavorful Cabernet.

    Pair Substance Cabernet 2021 with grilled red meats, hearty pasta dishes, or aged cheeses to complement its bold flavors and enhance your dining experience. This wine also pairs well with dark chocolate for a deliciously decadent dessert option.



  • Smith & Hook Cabernet Sauv. 2021 750ML

    Smith & Hook Cabernet Sauv. 2021 750ML

    Smith & Hook Cabernet Sauvignon 2021 is a bold and flavorful wine from California. This full-bodied red wine boasts rich dark fruit flavors with hints of oak and a smooth finish, making it a great choice for those who enjoy complex and robust wines.

    This Cabernet Sauvignon pairs perfectly with grilled steak, roasted lamb, or aged cheeses. Its bold flavors complement hearty dishes, making it a great choice for those looking to elevate their dining experience.



  • Terra Vega K Cabernet 2018 750ML

    Terra Vega K Cabernet 2018 750ML

    Introducing Terra Vega K Cabernet 2018, a rich and full-bodied wine from the renowned region of Cabernet Sauvignon in Chile. This wine boasts flavors of dark fruits, such as blackcurrant and plum, with hints of earthy undertones and a smooth finish.

    Pair Terra Vega K Cabernet 2018 with grilled steak, hearty stews, or aged cheeses for a delightful dining experience. The bold flavors of this wine complement red meats and rich dishes perfectly.


  • Crios Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 750ML

    Crios Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 750ML

    Enjoy the bold and complex flavors of Crios Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 from Argentina. This full-bodied wine features notes of black currant, cherry, and hints of spice, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    Pair this delicious Cabernet Sauvignon with juicy grilled steaks, hearty beef stew, or aged cheeses for a perfect dining experience. Its rich flavors complement red meats and savory dishes beautifully.


  • Bedrock Montecillo Caberent 2016 750ML

    Bedrock Montecillo Caberent 2016 750ML

    Bedrock Montecillo Cabernet 2016 750ML is a bold and full-bodied wine hailing from the renowned Montecillo region. This Cabernet boasts rich flavors of dark fruit, oak, and a hint of spice, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    This wine pairs perfectly with dishes such as grilled steak, hearty pastas, and aged cheeses. Its robust flavor profile complements red meat and savory dishes, making it an ideal choice for an indulgent meal.


  • Robert Mondavi Bourbon Barrel Cabernet 750ML

    Robert Mondavi Bourbon Barrel Cabernet 750ML

    Introducing Robert Mondavi Bourbon Barrel Cabernet 2022, a rich and full-bodied wine with hints of smoky bourbon. This Cabernet is sourced from the vineyards of California, known for producing exceptional red wines.

    This wine pairs perfectly with grilled meats, charcuterie boards, and dark chocolate desserts. Enjoy a glass of Robert Mondavi Bourbon Barrel Cabernet 2022 with a juicy steak or a cheese platter for a delectable dining experience.



  • Excelsior Cabernet Sauv. 2020 750ML

    Excelsior Cabernet Sauv. 2020 750ML

    Excelsior Cabernet Sauvignon 2020 750ML is a rich and robust red wine hailing from the famous wine region of South Africa. It boasts complex flavors of blackcurrant, plum, and cedar, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    This elegant wine pairs perfectly with grilled meats such as steak or lamb, as well as hearty pasta dishes like a classic bolognese. It also complements strong cheeses like aged cheddar or gouda, making it a versatile choice for any occasion.
