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The Pinot Project Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

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The Pinot Project Pinot Noir 2021 750ML is a delicious red wine with notes of red cherry, raspberry, and hints of vanilla. This wine hails from regions in California and Oregon, known for producing excellent Pinot Noir.

This Pinot Noir pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled salmon, roasted duck, mushroom risotto, and herb-crusted lamb. It is also great on its own as a sipping wine.

Product Details

SubregionNapa Valley
VarietalPinot Noir
Size750 ml
  • Cooper & Thief Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

    Cooper & Thief Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

    Cooper & Thief Pinot Noir 2021 750ML is a full-bodied red wine with rich flavors of ripe black cherry, raspberry, and hints of earthy spice. This Pinot Noir is sourced from the renowned wine region of California, known for producing exceptional quality wines.

    This Pinot Noir pairs beautifully with a variety of dishes, including grilled salmon, roasted chicken, mushroom risotto, and even pork tenderloin. Its versatile flavor profile makes it a great choice for pairing with a range of savory dishes.


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    This Pinot Noir pairs excellently with grilled salmon, roasted chicken, and mushroom risotto. Its delicate flavors complement a variety of dishes, making it a versatile choice for any meal.



  • Line 39 Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

    Line 39 Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

    Line 39 Pinot Noir 2021 750ML is a smooth and medium-bodied red wine with notes of cherry, raspberry, and a hint of vanilla. This Pinot Noir hails from California, known for producing exceptional wines with vibrant fruit flavors and balanced acidity.

    This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes such as grilled salmon, roasted chicken, or mushroom risotto. Serve slightly chilled at around 55-60°F to enhance the fruit flavors and aromas. Enjoy now or store in a cool, dark place for up to 5 years.



  • The Prisoner Pinot Noir 750ML

    The Prisoner Pinot Noir 750ML

    The Prisoner Pinot Noir 2021 is a smooth and velvety red wine originating from California. This wine features flavors of ripe cherry, raspberry, and a hint of vanilla, creating a well-balanced and elegant taste profile.

    This Pinot Noir pairs well with a variety of dishes, including roasted duck, grilled salmon, mushroom risotto, or a charcuterie board. Its versatile flavor profile makes it the perfect choice for both casual weeknight dinners and special occasions.



  • Fleur Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

    Fleur Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

    Experience the rich and fruity flavors of Fleur Pinot Noir 2021 750ML, a delightful wine hailing from the renowned wine region. This Pinot Noir boasts a smooth and elegant taste with notes of ripe cherries, strawberries, and a hint of earthiness, making it the perfect choice for wine enthusiasts looking for a well-balanced and flavorful option.

    Pair this exquisite wine with grilled salmon, roasted chicken, or creamy mushroom pasta for a delectable dining experience. The Fleur Pinot Noir 2021 750ML complements a variety of dishes, enhancing the flavors and creating a memorable meal every time.


  • Juggernaut Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

    Juggernaut Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

    The Juggernaut Pinot Noir 2021 750ML is a bold and complex wine originating from a well-known wine region. This wine boasts flavors of ripe black cherry, raspberry, and hints of vanilla, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    This Pinot Noir pairs well with grilled salmon, roasted duck, or mushroom risotto. Its versatile nature also makes it a great match for charcuterie boards or simply enjoyed on its own.



  • Elizabeth Spencer Pinot Noir 750ML

    Elizabeth Spencer Pinot Noir 750ML

    The Elizabeth Spencer Pinot Noir 2019 750ML is a delightful red wine with notes of cherry, raspberry, and earthy undertones. This Pinot Noir hails from the renowned wine region of California, known for producing high-quality wines.

    This wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled salmon, roasted vegetables, and mushroom risotto. For best results, serve slightly chilled at around 55-60°F to fully appreciate the flavors of this elegant wine.


  • Cycles Gladiator Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

    Cycles Gladiator Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

    Experience the rich and vibrant flavors of Cycles Gladiator Pinot Noir 2021 from the renowned wine region. This wine boasts notes of ripe cherry, raspberry, and hints of spice, creating a smooth and elegant taste profile that is perfect for any occasion.

    Pair this exquisite Pinot Noir with grilled salmon, roasted duck, or a savory mushroom risotto for a truly unforgettable dining experience. Its versatile flavor profile makes it a perfect complement to a variety of dishes, enhancing the flavors of each bite.
