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Chateau Bel-Air Lussac-Saint-Emilion 2019 750ML

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Chateau Bel-Air Lussac-Saint-Emilion 2019 is a delightful red wine from the esteemed Lussac-Saint-Emilion region in Bordeaux, France. This elegant wine boasts a complex flavor profile with notes of black fruits, tobacco, and spices, making it the perfect choice for those who appreciate a rich and well-balanced wine.

To fully enjoy Chateau Bel-Air Lussac-Saint-Emilion 2019, we recommend decanting the wine for at least 30 minutes before serving to allow it to breathe and showcase its full potential. This wine pairs beautifully with grilled meats, aged cheeses, and hearty stews, making it a versatile option for any meal or occasion.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • Chateau Carteau St Emilion Grand Cru 2018 750ML

    Chateau Carteau St Emilion Grand Cru 2018 750ML

    Experience the elegance of Ch Carteau St Emilion Grand Cru 2018, a premium wine from the renowned Bordeaux region in France. This 750ML bottle offers a complex flavor profile with notes of dark fruits, spices, and hints of oak, creating a smooth and well-balanced taste.

    This exquisite wine pairs excellently with red meat dishes such as filet mignon, lamb chops, and beef stew. For a delightful dining experience, serve this St Emilion Grand Cru alongside aged cheeses like Parmigiano-Reggiano or Gouda.


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    This Saint Emilion wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, including grilled steak, roasted lamb, or hearty pasta dishes. Its bold flavors and velvety texture make it an ideal companion for savory meals, enhancing the dining experience with every sip.


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    This wine pairs beautifully with grilled meats, aged cheeses, and hearty pasta dishes. Its bold flavors and robust structure make it the perfect complement to a variety of savory dishes.


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    Cru Monplaisir Bordeaux 750ML is a classic red wine from the Bordeaux region of France. This wine boasts a rich and complex flavor profile with notes of dark fruits, tobacco, and a hint of spice.

    This Bordeaux wine pairs perfectly with grilled meats, savory cheese platters, and hearty pasta dishes. Its bold flavors complement dishes such as beef stew, lamb chops, and aged cheeses like Gouda and cheddar.


  • Ch Larose Trintaudon 750ML

    Ch Larose Trintaudon 750ML

    Ch Larose Trintaudon 2019 750ML is a high-quality wine from the Bordeaux region of France. This red wine offers a complex flavor profile with notes of dark fruit, oak, and a hint of spice, making it a perfect choice for wine enthusiasts looking for a well-balanced and full-bodied option.

    This wine pairs excellently with a variety of dishes, including grilled meats, charcuterie, and aged cheeses. It also complements hearty pasta dishes and stews, making it a versatile option for pairing with a range of meals.


  • Ch Haut Pingat Bordeaux 2019 750ML

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    This versatile Bordeaux pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled meats, hearty stews, aged cheeses, and chocolate desserts. Whether you're enjoying a casual dinner or a special occasion, Ch Haut Pingat Bordeaux 2019 is sure to elevate your dining experience.



  • Ch Teyssier Bordeaux 2019 750ML

    Ch Teyssier Bordeaux 2019 750ML

    Château Teyssier Bordeaux 2019 is a delightful wine sourced from the Bordeaux region of France. This 750ml bottle offers a well-balanced flavor profile with notes of black currant, dark cherry, and a hint of spice, making it an excellent choice for wine enthusiasts.

    This Bordeaux pairs wonderfully with a variety of dishes, including roasted lamb, grilled steak, mushroom risotto, and aged cheeses. Enjoy a glass alongside your favorite meal for a true culinary experience.



  • Ch. Pont de Guitres Lalande de Pomerol 2019 EACH

    Ch. Pont de Guitres Lalande de Pomerol 2019 EACH

    Ch. Pont de Guitres Lalande de Pomerol 2019 is a fine red wine hailing from the Lalande de Pomerol region in France. This wine boasts a rich and robust flavor profile with notes of dark fruit, tobacco, and earth, making it a great choice for those who appreciate full-bodied wines.

    This exquisite wine pairs wonderfully with red meat dishes such as steak or lamb, as well as hard cheeses like aged cheddar or Gouda. It also complements hearty pasta dishes and roasted vegetables, making it a versatile option for a variety of meals.


  • Ch Pitray 750ML

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    This wine pairs excellently with a variety of dishes, such as grilled steak, roasted lamb, or hearty stews. For a more casual option, try enjoying it with charcuterie and cheese boards or pasta dishes with a tomato-based sauce. No matter the occasion, Château Pitray 2019 is sure to impress with its versatile flavor profile.


  • Ch de Monrecueil Bordeaux 2019 750ML

    Ch de Monrecueil Bordeaux 2019 750ML

    The Ch de Monrecueil Bordeaux 2019 750ML is a classic red wine from the Bordeaux region of France. This medium-bodied wine offers a blend of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, showcasing rich flavors of dark fruits, subtle oak, and a hint of spice.

    This Bordeaux is best enjoyed when paired with red meats, roasted vegetables, or a variety of cheeses. Serve at room temperature and allow the wine to breathe before enjoying to fully appreciate the complex flavors of this elegant blend.
