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Terroir Expressions Altamira Malbec 750ML

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Terroir Expressions Altamira Malbec 750ML is a rich and robust wine hailing from the Altamira region in Argentina. This Malbec boasts a bold and fruity flavor profile with notes of blackberry, plum, and a hint of spice, making it a versatile and delicious choice for wine enthusiasts.

This Malbec pairs excellently with grilled meats, such as steak or lamb, as well as hearty pasta dishes and aged cheeses. The robust flavor of the wine complements the savory and rich flavors of these dishes, creating a perfectly balanced dining experience.

Product Details

SubregionValle de Uco
Size750 ml
  • Finca Decero Malbec 2019 750ML

    Finca Decero Malbec 2019 750ML

    Finca Decero Malbec 2019 750ML is a rich and bold red wine hailing from the renowned Mendoza region of Argentina. This Malbec wine offers intense flavors of ripe blackberries, plum, and a hint of spice, with a smooth and velvety texture.

    For optimal enjoyment, decant the wine for at least 30 minutes before serving to allow the flavors to fully develop. Pair this Malbec with grilled meats, hearty stews, or aged cheeses for a delicious dining experience. Serve at a slightly cooler temperature, around 60-65°F, to enhance the wine's complexity.



  • Alamos Seleccion Malbec 2020 750ML

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    Alamos Seleccion Malbec 2020 750ML is a rich and full-bodied wine hailing from the renowned wine-producing region of Mendoza, Argentina. This Malbec offers flavors of dark fruits, such as blackberry and plum, with hints of chocolate and spice, creating a smooth and velvety finish.

    This elegant Malbec pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled meats, hearty stews, and aged cheeses. For a perfect combination, try pairing it with a juicy steak, lamb chops, or a charcuterie board for a delightful dining experience.



  • Marcelo Pelleritti Signature Malbec 2019 750ML

    Marcelo Pelleritti Signature Malbec 2019 750ML

    Marcelo Pelleritti Signature Malbec 2019 is a rich and robust red wine, with notes of dark fruit, chocolate, and spice. This Malbec hails from the renowned Mendoza region in Argentina, known for producing exceptional wines with deep, complex flavors.

    This Malbec pairs beautifully with grilled meats, especially steak and lamb. It also complements dishes like empanadas, hearty stews, and aged cheeses. Enjoy a glass of Marcelo Pelleritti Signature Malbec 2019 with your favorite Argentinean cuisine for a truly authentic dining experience.


  • Clos de los Siete 2014 750ML

    Clos de los Siete 2014 750ML

    Experience the rich flavors of Clos de los Siete 2014 750ML, a premium wine from an esteemed region. This full-bodied red blend boasts notes of dark fruits, spices, and a hint of oak, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate a bold and robust wine.

    Pair this elegant wine with grilled meats, hearty stews, or aged cheeses for a delightful dining experience. The complex flavors of Clos de los Siete 2014 750ML are sure to complement a variety of dishes and enhance your culinary creations.


  • Mendoza Malbec Gran Res 750ML

    Mendoza Malbec Gran Res 750ML

    Enjoy the rich and full-bodied flavor of our Mendoza Malbec Gran Res 750ML. This wine hails from Mendoza, Argentina, known for producing some of the finest Malbec wines in the world. With notes of dark fruit, chocolate, and spice, this Malbec is sure to delight your palate.

    This Mendoza Malbec Gran Res. pairs perfectly with grilled steak, hearty beef stew, or a charcuterie board with aged cheeses. The bold flavors of this wine complement rich and savory dishes, making it an ideal choice for meat lovers.



  • Flechas De Los Andes Malbec 2019 750ML

    Flechas De Los Andes Malbec 2019 750ML

    Introducing Flechas De Los Andes Malbec 2019 750ML, a rich and full-bodied red wine hailing from the Andes region. This Malbec boasts flavors of dark berries, plum, and a touch of spice, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    Pair this exquisite Malbec with grilled meats, hearty stews, or aged cheeses for a perfect culinary match. Its bold flavors and smooth tannins make it an ideal companion to a variety of dishes, bringing out the best in both the food and the wine.


  • Agua De Piedra Gran Malbec 750ML

    Agua De Piedra Gran Malbec 750ML

    Agua De Piedra Gran Malbec 2022 is a rich and full-bodied wine sourced from the Mendoza region in Argentina. This Malbec boasts flavors of dark fruit, spice, and hints of chocolate, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    This bold Malbec pairs well with grilled meats, hearty stews, and dishes with rich tomato-based sauces. It also complements sharp cheeses, such as aged cheddar or gouda, for a satisfying wine and cheese pairing experience.


  • Callejon Malbec Gran Reserve 2017 750ML

    Callejon Malbec Gran Reserve 2017 750ML

    Experience the rich and smooth taste of Callejon Malbec Gran Reserve 2017 750ML. This wine hails from the prestigious wine region of Argentina, known for producing high-quality Malbec varietals. With notes of dark berries, plum, and a hint of spice, this wine is sure to impress any wine enthusiast.

    This Malbec pairs perfectly with grilled steak, roasted lamb, or hearty pasta dishes. Its bold flavors complement rich and savory dishes, making it an ideal choice for your next dinner party or special occasion.


  • Tilia Malbec 2021 750ML

    Tilia Malbec 2021 750ML

    Tilia Malbec 2021 is a rich and full-bodied red wine from Argentina, known for its deep purple color and bold flavors of dark fruit, spice, and smooth tannins. This Malbec is sourced from vineyards in the Mendoza region, where the high-altitude and sunny climate produce grapes with intense flavors.

    Pair this Tilia Malbec with grilled meats, especially steak or lamb, as the wine's robust flavors complement the savory char of the meat. It also pairs well with bold cheeses like aged cheddar or gouda, and hearty dishes like pasta with red sauce or barbecue ribs.
