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Stoli 750ML

Product price




Stoli 750ML is a premium spirit originating from Russia, known for its smooth and crisp taste. This vodka offers a clean and neutral flavor profile, making it perfect for mixing in cocktails or enjoying on its own.

For best results, store Stoli 750ML in a cool, dark place and serve chilled. It pairs well with a variety of mixers such as soda water, cranberry juice, or citrus flavors. Perfect for creating classic cocktails like martinis or Moscow mules.

Product Details

TypeVodka - Imported
Size750 ml
  • Stoli Citros 750ML

    Stoli Citros 750ML

    Stoli Citros 750ML is a refreshing citrus-flavored spirit from the renowned Stolichnaya distillery. Made with natural citrus extracts, this vodka offers a zesty and vibrant flavor profile that is perfect for mixing into cocktails or enjoying on the rocks. Imported from Russia, Stoli Citros is a high-quality spirit that is sure to elevate any drinking experience.

    For best results, serve Stoli Citros chilled in a cocktail shaker with ice, fresh lemon or lime juice, and a splash of soda water for a refreshing Citrus Spritz. This versatile spirit also pairs well with a variety of mixers such as tonic water, lemonade, or cranberry juice, making it a great choice for creating delicious and inventive cocktails for any occasion.


  • Stoli Vanilla 750ML

    Stoli Vanilla 750ML

    Stoli Vanilla 750ML is a premium spirits product known for its delicious vanilla flavor profile. This vodka is produced in Russia, where it is crafted using high-quality ingredients and traditional distillation methods.

    This versatile spirit can be enjoyed on the rocks, mixed with soda or in various cocktails. Use Stoli Vanilla 750ML to add a hint of sweetness to your favorite drinks, or simply sip it neat for a smooth and flavorful experience.


  • Stoli Blueberry 750ML

    Stoli Blueberry 750ML

    Stoli Blueberry 750ML is a delicious spirit from Stolichnaya Distillery, known for its smooth blueberry flavor. Made with high-quality ingredients, this spirit is perfect for those who enjoy a fruity twist in their cocktails.

    Enjoy Stoli Blueberry 750ML on its own, over ice, or mixed into your favorite cocktails for a refreshing and flavorful experience. Add it to lemonade or soda water for a simple and tasty drink, or get creative and use it in a blueberry martini or mojito for a unique twist.

