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Smirnoff 750ML retired 750ML

Product price



Smirnoff 750ML retired 750ML is a spirits product known for its smooth and crisp taste. Made from high-quality ingredients, this spirit offers a classic flavor profile with a hint of sweetness. Originating from Russia, this spirit is crafted with expertise and precision.

For best results, enjoy Smirnoff 750ML retired 750ML on its own or mixed in your favorite cocktails. Serve chilled or over ice for a refreshing drink experience. Whether sipped neat or used as a base for mixed drinks, this spirit is sure to impress.

Product Details

TypeVodka - Imported
Size750 ml
  • Smirnoff Spicy Tamarind 750ML

    Smirnoff Spicy Tamarind 750ML

    Introducing Smirnoff Spicy Tamarind 750ML, a unique spirit with a bold and zesty flavor profile. This spicy tamarind-infused vodka delivers a tangy kick with hints of heat, perfect for those who enjoy adventurous and exciting flavor experiences. Made by Smirnoff, a renowned distillery known for their quality and innovation, this spirit is sure to impress.

    To enjoy Smirnoff Spicy Tamarind, try mixing it with soda water and a splash of lime for a refreshing cocktail with a spicy twist. You can also get creative and use it in cocktails like margaritas or bloody marys for a fun and flavorful twist. Whether sipped on its own or mixed into your favorite drink, this spirit is sure to add a unique and exciting element to any cocktail hour.


  • Smirnoff Coconut 750ML

    Smirnoff Coconut 750ML

    Smirnoff Coconut 750ML is a delicious spirit with a tropical flavor profile. Made with real coconut flavors, this premium vodka is perfect for those looking to add a touch of the tropics to their drinks. Originating from Russia, Smirnoff Coconut is a smooth and versatile spirit that can be enjoyed on its own or mixed into cocktails.

    For a refreshing cocktail, mix Smirnoff Coconut with pineapple juice and a splash of soda water for a delicious tropical drink. It can also be used in dessert recipes or simply enjoyed over ice for a smooth and flavorful experience. Whether you're hosting a summer party or looking for a new addition to your bar cart, Smirnoff Coconut is a versatile and tasty spirit to have on hand.


  • Smirnoff Pink Lemonade 750ML

    Smirnoff Pink Lemonade 750ML

    Smirnoff Pink Lemonade 750ML is a refreshing and tangy spirit infused with the perfect balance of sweet pink lemonade flavor. This vodka is crafted by Smirnoff, a renowned brand known for creating quality spirits. Perfect for enjoying on a hot summer day, this pink lemonade spirit is sure to become a favorite in your collection.

    For best results, serve Smirnoff Pink Lemonade chilled over ice or use it as a base for creating delicious cocktails. Mix with soda water for a simple and refreshing drink, or get creative and add fresh fruit garnishes for a fun twist. Whether you're hosting a party or relaxing at home, this versatile spirit is sure to be a hit with your guests.



  • Smirnoff Pineapple 750ML

    Smirnoff Pineapple 750ML

    Smirnoff Pineapple 750ML is a refreshing pineapple-flavored spirit from the renowned Smirnoff brand. Made with the finest ingredients, this vodka boasts a tropical flavor profile perfect for mixing into your favorite cocktails. Whether you're sipping it neat or adding it to a fruity drink, this spirit is sure to transport you to a sunny paradise.

    For a delicious summer cocktail, mix Smirnoff Pineapple with orange juice and a splash of soda water for a refreshing Pineapple Screwdriver. You can also try it in a classic Pina Colada by blending it with coconut cream and pineapple juice. Cheers to tropical vibes all year round!



  • Smirnoff Watermelon 750ML

    Smirnoff Watermelon 750ML

    Smirnoff Watermelon 750ML is a refreshing vodka with a sweet and juicy watermelon flavor. Imported from Russia, this spirit is perfect for adding a burst of summery taste to your cocktails.

    Enjoy Smirnoff Watermelon on its own over ice, or mix it into your favorite fruity cocktails for a delicious twist. Try using it in a watermelon martini or a citrusy vodka punch for a flavorful and refreshing drink.



  • Smirnoff 80 750ML

    Smirnoff 80 750ML

    Smirnoff 80 750ML is a classic vodka offering from the well-known brand, Smirnoff. This spirit boasts a smooth and versatile flavor profile, perfect for mixing into a variety of cocktails. Made from quality ingredients, this vodka is a staple in any home bar or for those looking to enjoy a taste of Russia in their drinks.

    For optimal enjoyment, Smirnoff 80 750ML can be used in a wide range of cocktails such as a classic Moscow Mule or a refreshing Vodka Soda. This versatile spirit can also be enjoyed on its own over ice or as a base in mixed drinks. Experiment with different mixers and garnishes to find your perfect combination.



  • Smirnoff Vanilla 750ML

    Smirnoff Vanilla 750ML

    Smirnoff Vanilla 750ML is a delicious flavored vodka with rich notes of creamy vanilla. This premium spirit is crafted in Russia, known for its long history of vodka production and exceptional quality.

    Enjoy Smirnoff Vanilla 750ML on its own as a smooth sipping vodka, or mix it with your favorite cocktail recipes to add a delightful touch of vanilla flavor. This versatile spirit is perfect for creating unique and delicious drinks for any occasion.



  • Smirnoff Orange 750ML

    Smirnoff Orange 750ML

    Introducing Smirnoff Orange 750ML, a delicious citrus-flavored spirit from the renowned Smirnoff brand. Made with natural orange flavors, this vodka is perfect for those who enjoy a crisp and refreshing taste. Produced in the USA, this premium spirit is sure to elevate any cocktail.

    For the best experience, enjoy Smirnoff Orange on the rocks or mixed with your favorite citrus soda for a zesty and invigorating beverage. This versatile spirit can also be used to create flavorful cocktails such as Orange Fizz or Orange Martini. Let your creativity shine with Smirnoff Orange 750ML.



  • Smirnoff Raspberry 750ML

    Smirnoff Raspberry 750ML

    Smirnoff Raspberry 750ML is a delicious vodka infused with the sweet and tangy flavor of raspberries. Distilled in Russia, this spirit offers a refreshing and fruity taste with a smooth finish, perfect for mixing into cocktails or enjoying on its own.

    For best results, mix Smirnoff Raspberry with soda water and fresh berries for a crisp and refreshing raspberry spritzer. Alternatively, use it to create a fruity twist on classic cocktails like martinis or mimosas. This versatile spirit is sure to add a burst of flavor to any drink recipe.



  • Smirnoff Green Apple 750ML

    Smirnoff Green Apple 750ML

    Smirnoff Green Apple 750ML is a refreshing spirit with a crisp and sweet green apple flavor. Made from high-quality ingredients, this spirit is perfect for those who enjoy a fruity twist in their cocktails. Imported from Russia, this spirit is sure to impress with its authentic taste.

    For best results, mix Smirnoff Green Apple with soda water or lemon-lime soda for a delicious and refreshing cocktail. You can also enjoy it on the rocks for a simple yet satisfying drink. Experiment with different mixers and garnishes to find your perfect combination. Cheers!

