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Hiram Walker Butterscotch schnapps 750ML

Product price



Hiram Walker Butterscotch schnapps is a delicious spirit with a rich and creamy butterscotch flavor. Made in the United States, this 750ML bottle is perfect for adding a sweet and indulgent touch to your favorite cocktails.

This Butterscotch schnapps can be enjoyed on its own as a sweet and smooth digestif, or used to add a unique twist to classic cocktails like martinis or white russians. It also pairs well with coffee or hot chocolate for a warm and cozy treat on a cold evening.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • Rattlesnake Rosies Pumpkin Pie 750ML

    Rattlesnake Rosies Pumpkin Pie 750ML

    Introducing Rattlesnake Rosies Pumpkin Pie 750ML, a delicious spirits offering with a unique flavor profile of pumpkin pie. This delightful beverage is crafted with care in a renowned distillery in the heart of the Midwest.

    For the best experience, we recommend enjoying Rattlesnake Rosies Pumpkin Pie neat as a festive dessert drink, or incorporating it into a seasonal cocktail for a flavorful twist. Serve chilled or over ice to enhance the rich flavors of this exceptional spirit.


  • Allen's Peach Schnapps 750ML

    Allen's Peach Schnapps 750ML

    Allen's Peach Schnapps 750ML is a delicious spirit known for its sweet and fruity peach flavor. Made from high-quality ingredients, this schnapps originates from Germany, known for its expertise in producing exceptional spirits.

    Enjoy Allen's Peach Schnapps on its own as a chilled shot or mix it with your favorite cocktails for a refreshing and fruity twist. It also pairs well with lemon-lime soda or sparkling wine for a delightful spritzer. Experiment with different mixers to find your perfect peachy combination!


  • Hiram Walker Peach Schnapps 750ML

    Hiram Walker Peach Schnapps 750ML

    Hiram Walker Peach Schnapps is a delicious fruit-flavored spirit perfect for adding a sweet touch to your favorite cocktails. Made in North America, this 750ML bottle offers a vibrant peach flavor that is sure to enhance any beverage it is added to.

    For a refreshing drink, mix Hiram Walker Peach Schnapps with orange juice and soda water for a simple and tasty cocktail. It can also be used to add a touch of sweetness to margaritas or bellinis. Experiment with different recipes to find the perfect combination for your taste buds.


  • Mount Rigi Liquer 750ML

    Mount Rigi Liquer 750ML

    Mount Rigi Liquer 750ML is a delightful spirit originating from the scenic region of Switzerland. This exquisite liquer offers a unique blend of flavors, with hints of alpine herbs and spices that create a rich and aromatic taste profile.

    To enjoy Mount Rigi Liquer to its fullest, try sipping it neat as a digestif after a meal. It also pairs well with desserts or can be used as a luxurious ingredient in cocktails to add depth and complexity to your drink creations.


  • Meletti Anisette 750ML

    Meletti Anisette 750ML

    Meletti Anisette 750ML is a delightful anise-flavored spirit known for its smooth and sweet taste. Imported from Italy, this spirit is made with high-quality ingredients and expert craftsmanship, creating a unique and luxurious flavor profile.

    This versatile spirit can be enjoyed on its own as a digestif or used as a key ingredient in classic cocktails such as the Sazerac or the Black Licorice Martini. For a refreshing twist, try mixing it with soda water and a splash of lemon for a light and aromatic drink perfect for any occasion.


  • Galliano L'Autentico 750ML

    Galliano L'Autentico 750ML

    Galliano L'Autentico 750ML is a famous herbal liqueur originating from Italy. This vibrant yellow spirit is known for its distinctive flavors of anise, vanilla, citrus, and herbs, creating a complex and aromatic profile that is perfect for adding a unique twist to cocktails.

    To enjoy Galliano L'Autentico, try mixing it with orange juice and soda water for a refreshing Harvey Wallbanger cocktail. It also pairs well with coffee or as a flavorful addition to desserts like tiramisu. Experiment with different cocktail recipes to discover how this versatile liqueur can elevate your drink creations.


  • Domaine de Canton Ginger 750ML

    Domaine de Canton Ginger 750ML

    Domaine de Canton Ginger 750ML is a premium spirit originating from the French region of Jarnac. This unique blend features rich ginger flavors with hints of citrus and vanilla, providing a complex and delightful taste experience.

    This versatile spirit can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or as a key component in cocktails such as the classic Moscow Mule or a refreshing Ginger Martini. Its smooth and spicy profile makes it the perfect addition to a variety of mixed drinks, elevating any cocktail with a touch of sophisticated warmth.


  • Gozio Amaretto 750ML

    Gozio Amaretto 750ML

    Gozio Amaretto 750ML is a delicious almond-flavored liqueur originating from the town of Torino in Italy. This premium spirit boasts a rich and sweet flavor profile with hints of cherry and apricot, making it a versatile and luxurious addition to any bar.

    Enjoy Gozio Amaretto 750ML on its own, over ice, or as an ingredient in classic cocktails like Amaretto Sour or iced coffee. Its bold flavor also pairs well with desserts such as tiramisu or almond biscotti for a truly indulgent experience.


  • Chartreuse Yellow 750ML

    Chartreuse Yellow 750ML

    Chartreuse Yellow 750ML is a vibrant and flavorful spirit originating from the Chartreuse region of France. Known for its complex herbal taste, this liqueur offers a harmonious blend of over 130 different plants and flowers.

    Best enjoyed chilled on its own or used as a key ingredient in cocktails, Chartreuse Yellow 750ML can also be drizzled over desserts or added to sauces for an extra depth of flavor. Experiment with different mixers and garnishes to discover your favorite way to savor this unique spirit.
